
This page offers status information for the DinnerBooking services. Check back here any time to view the current status of the services listed below

You can always contact the DinnerBooking support at either or telephone +45 3255 5048.

Everything is A-OK

All systems seems to be up and available. Rock and roll!

API Booking

Can the DinnerBooking API complete a booking?


Can the DinnerBooking App contact the API?

CDN Server

Is the DinnerBooking CDN server available?

Connection to database

Can we connect to the database?

Database query

Can we perform a simple query?


Is the hosting provider available?

Payment (EP)

Is the DinnerBooking payment available?

Web Administration

Is the DinnerBooking Web Administration available?

Online Booking

Is the online booking available?

Restaurant Profile

Is the restaurant profile page available?

Email API

Can we send mail using the API?

App Update

Is the DinnerBooking App update server available?

Status last updated 2024-07-27 06:08:04

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